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Logo | Name | Language | Activity | Question |
Advanced Personalized Learning: The Thinker Teacher | English | Robotic Nerf Guns, Infinity Mirror Icosahedron, Mark Rober Sand Pit | How can you MAKE anything? | |
Alan The Amazing | English | STEM: Science Technology Engineering Magic | Why does the public perception of science as "magic" impact society attitudes towards science, innovation, and technology? | |
Boy Scouts of America Redwood Empire Council | English | Scout-O-Rama - activities for youth and families offered by BSA packs, troops, and crews | What interests you about hands-on outdoor adventure, conservation, nature, and service activities? | |
Buck Institute for Research on Aging | English | The science behind living better longer | What would you do with an extra 20 years of healthy life? | |
Bureau of Land Management, Ukiah Field Office | English | STEM with the BLM! | How does Bureau of Land Management use science in stewarding lands held in trust for the public? | |
California Highway Patrol | English | CHP booth | How does CHP use science and technology to save lives? | |
California Section - American Chemical Society | English, Spanish | Build-a-Battery | How can you use chemistry to light up a LED? | |
California State Parks | English | Experience the wildlife that exists in our parks and open space areas in California. | Have you ever seen or touched a wild animal? | |
Charles M. Schulz Museum | English | Explore the science of animation | How does science make still images appear animated? | |
Children's Museum of Sonoma County | English, Spanish | Rocket Surgery Lab | How high can you launch your rocket? Ignite the inner engineer inside of you to help improve the future of space flight! | |
City College of San Francisco Engineering Club | English | CCSF's Paper Airplane Launchers | Which type of paper airplane flies better when launched by motorized paper airplane launchers? | |
Civil Air Patrol U.S. Air Force Auxiliary Squadron 23 & 157 | English | Take Flight Races, Experiments with Model rockets, planes and gliders | What are the four forces of flight? | |
Denali Therapeutics | English | Unlocking the mysteries of the brain and treating brain diseases. | What does the brain look like and how does it function? | |
Donald Laird | English | Diet Cola and Mentos Reaction | What happens when you combine diet cola with Mentos candy? | |
Dow Development Laboratories | English | TBD (Possibly bouncing balls again) | How do chemists use science to innovate? | |
Expanding Your Horizons, Sonoma County | English | Expanding Your Horizons, Sonoma County | What can I be in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics when I grow up? | |
Fort Ross' Marine Ecology Program | English | Exploring Coastal Wildlife | How have marine animals evolved to survive in the ocean? | |
Girl Scouts of Northern California | English | Leap Bot Design | Which Leap Bot Design Works Best? | |
Golden Gate Garrison | English | Star Wars Cosplay | How much do you like Star Wars? | |
Keysight | English | Seeing Sound (and other invisible waves) | How can we see all the invisible waves around us? | |
Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation | English, Spanish | Learning Laguna | How are the wetlands of the Laguna de Santa Rosa important for animals and people? | |
LandPaths | English | 3 I’s: I NOTICE, I WONDER, IT REMINDS ME OF | What do you notice? What do you wonder? What does it remind you of? | |
Lions Club Santa Rosa and Montgomery Village | English, Spanish | Vision Screening | What helps keep our eyes healthy? | |
Maker Faire | English | Make: Simple Circuits | How could I use an LED simple circuit in my creations? | |
Marin/Sonoma Mosquito & Vector Control District | English | Fight the Bite | How does understanding the life cycle of the mosquito help us in our efforts to stop them from spreading disease? | |
Medtronic | English | Saving Lives with Scientific Minds | How do we save lives using medical technology? | |
Milo Baker Chapter - California Native Plant Society | English, Spanish | What is a riparian corridor and what happens if it is destroyed? | What are the benefits of restoring the ecology around rivers and streams in Sonoma County? | |
Mobile Climate Science Labs | English, Spanish | Innovative STEM-Based Climate Action, Led by Students | Where would you like to see money saved, energy waste cut, and the climate protected? | |
NorCal Bats | English | See Live California Native Bats | What is a dogfish shark and what does it mean to us? | |
NorCal Mars Society | English | Mars Robot Rover | How well can you identify the animal skull and match it to its track? | |
North Bay Science Discovery Day - Dogfish Dissection | English | The Dogfish | Why do farmers and gardeners need bats? | |
North Bay Science Discovery Day - Skulls and Tracks | English | Animal Skulls and Tracks...Match 'Em | How would an astronaut operate a rover on Mars? | |
Our Water Our World | English | OWOW is a clean water program that promotes stormwater health, eco-friendly pest management and beneficial insect awareness. | Which insects are beneficial in our garden? | |
Parker Electronic Motion and Controls | English | Electric Motor Fun | How do electric motors work? | |
Patelco Credit Union | English, Spanish | Calculating Your Savings | Why is saving money important? | |
Pepperwood | English | Wildlife Camera Who's Who | What wildlife do we share our community with, and how can we be good neighbors to them? | |
Petaluma Wildlife Museum | English | Animal Ambassador Spotlights and Conservation Stories | We live on this planet with some amazing creatures: what can we do to protect wildlife and wild places? | |
Point Blue Conservation Science | English, Spanish | Come learn about the three P’s of marine food webs: poop, puke, and plankton! | What can we learn about the health of our oceans from the prey of seabirds, sea lions, and whales? | |
Precision Crane | English | Crane | How tall is the crane? How can you use math to figure it out? | |
Quest Forward High School | English | Construct basic circuits | How can we electrify our world? | |
Rebel Legion | English | How can you support science and join the Rebel Legion? | How can you support science and join the Rebel Legion? | |
Recology | English | Solid Waste Sorting | What waste goes into each waste stream container? | |
Robert Ferguson Observatory | English | Solar Viewing, Comet Creation, and a miniature tour of our building | Have you ever observed the sun? Have you ever seen a sun spot or one of its incredible prominences? | |
SRCJ Biological Sciences & Biology Club | English | From Microbes to Mammals | What do real lungs look like in action? | |
SRJC Chem Club | English | Using Chemistry to understand color. | Why does color sometimes change in a chemical reaction? | |
SRJC Math Club | English, Spanish | Fun With Mathematics SRJC Math Club | What is mathematics and how can it be used to have fun? | |
SRJC Physics Club | English | Simple electric motors and magnetic trains | How do magnets and currents interact to propel engines and trains? | |
STEMinism at Sonoma Academy High School | English | Fantastic Fluids: Oobleck and Floating Art! | Is it a solid, liquid, or both? What's the science behind oobleck? | |
Solar Schoolhouse (Rahus Institute) | English | Discover the Magic of Solar Cells | How does shade or clouds affect performance of solar cell electrical circuits? | |
Sonoma County Ag + Open Space | English, Spanish | iSpy Something Green: Land conservation in a box! | What does land conservation mean to you? | |
Sonoma County Beekeepers Association | English | Education on Honeybees and Pollinators | Why are honey bees, and pollinators, important? | |
Sonoma County Family YMCA | English | Healthy Food Detective | What plants do healthy foods come from? | |
Sonoma County Library BiblioBus | English, Spanish | Create and Fly Paper Airplanes at the Sonoma County Library BiblioBus | What design is the most optimal to for a paper airplane to fly through the hoop? | |
Sonoma County Office Of Education | English | Light and Dark Exploration! | How can we create, imagine and innovate with light and dark? | |
Sonoma County Radio Amateurs | English | Building an LEd Flashlight | How light emitting diodes (LED) work? | |
Sonoma Resource Conservation District | English, Spanish | Maintaining Our Local Forest Health | How do we grow healthy forests? | |
Sonoma State University Nursing Student Association | English | Proper Hand Washing! | What is the best way to wash your hands in order to prevent the spread of germs? | |
Sonoma State University, Center for Environmental Inquiry & Bio Outreach | English, Spanish | Walk Through the Watershed | How do different habitats in our watershed support so many cool animals and plants? | |
Sonoma Water | English | Aquatic Macroinvertebrate exploration with microscopes | What do bugs tell us about healthy water? | |
Stewards of the Coast and Redwoods | English | Community Engagement, Stewardship, and Education | What makes the redwood forest, river, and ocean special places to protect? What can we learn from tree rings? | |
TCRI, Teach Climate & Redefine It | English | Seed Bomb Making | What is your climate pledge that you want to see blossom into habit? | |
The Bird Rescue Center | English | The Natural History and Environmental Importance of Native Birds | Why are birds important and why should we work to conserve their existence and habitats? | |
The Whiting-Turner Contracting Company | English | Creating the Built Environment | How do human activities shape our surroundings? | |
Tour Vietnam era HUEY Helicopter/Blue Angel F-4 Phantom II | English | What are the main flight controls on HUEY/F-4? | How do the flight controls change the four principles of flight? | |
UC Berkeley RadWatch & DoseNet | English | Radiation in our environment | Where do we find nuclear radiation in our environment and how do we measure it? | |
UC Cooperative Extension Fire Science | English | Burn Boards | How does fire behave with different fuels or slopes? | |
UC Davis - Experience Groundwater in California | English, Spanish | Experience Groundwater in California | What is groundwater, and how does it differ from surface water? How climate change affects groundwater? | |
UC Liberty 4-H Beekeepers | English | Beekeeping for Young People in 4-H | What does a young person need to be a beekeeper? | |
UC Sonoma County Master Gardeners | English | Growing and Dissecting Seeds | How does life begin in a seed? What does it need to grow? | |
UC The Lawrence Hall of Science | English | Phenomenal Physics | What will you discover about these forces that shape our physical world? | |
US Air Force Academy | English | Aviation and STEM Career Opportunities | What is the future of aviation and space? | |
Veolia | English | How Do Microscopic Organisms Keep Our Water Clean | How do microscopic organisms keep our water clean? | |
Viavi | English | Demonstrations to explain how visible, ultraviolet, and infrared light influence our daily lives. | How can the science of light create products we use every day? | |
Xerces Society | English | Pollinators to Products | Do the foods you eat require a pollinator? If so, which one? | |
Zero Waste Sonoma | English, Spanish | We will provide information on the recycling programs in Sonoma County | What do you know about recycling? Play our plinko game! |
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